Sunday, August 2, 2009

Who is Aidilrevealed ???

I thought i would start by introducing myself..
I was born Muhammad Aidil Bin Ahmad.Yea,ppl call me Aidil..sometimes,Dil.Oke.
He is schooling though,he had lots of dreams to achieve..His hobby was simply playing soccer,singing, and slackin.

Last time, he had a blog,but had to delete it however,cause of some reasons.Now with this new blog,he hope tat u guys there will be delighted by it.
If you ppl had noticed,there is a fish pond right at the bottom of the page.Please feed the fish yaw,coz that is the only one fish that Aidil had.Yea..Its only a fish.You guys want more fish?Feed it well,and they will multiply overnight.

And thru this blog,Aidil wishes to share his dreams,aspirations,and also wishes to let people noe him more, as a teenager,a person,a brother and a simple guy..

So,WELCOME TO AIDIL's WORLD...........(It has been revealed!)